Elbow and Forearm Pain and Injuries

Elbow problems can happen to anybody…

You’ve probably heard of your ‘funny bone,’ which is not actually a bone. We all know that when we bump this part of our elbow, we get a terrible zinging pain that lasts several seconds.

But you might be experiencing this type of sensation frequently. You might also have pain around your elbow that comes and goes, and suddenly it can be hard to scoop ice cream and pull on your pants because your elbow pain is excruciating.

As an office worker, you may feel pain in the elbow from using the mouse and keyboard all day. This pain starts gradually and becomes debilitating to the point where one more click on the mouse feels like someone is stabbing you outside your elbow or sends zinging pain down to your fingers.

As a driver, you may feel numbness and tingling in your arm from leaning on a bent elbow all day long. First, you notice mild tingling that feels like a mild electric shock but eventually feels like you stuck your finger in an electric socket.

As a parent, you might feel pain along with elbow swelling after you recently fell on it while chasing your child. You can bend the elbow, but it feels stiff, and you wonder if it’s broken. Or maybe you have already received an X-ray and determined that your elbow was fractured. After surgery and/or casting, you are now stiff and painful. No longer able to move, wondering if your elbow will ever get better.

Your daily routines feel so hard now…

Your nagging elbow pain makes it hard to focus on what you love and want to do.

Washing your face or brushing your hair is too hard. Either you can’t seem to bend your elbow enough to reach your face, or you just can’t stand the pain.

Everything you seem to grab sends pains to the elbow. You think your elbow injury should have nothing to do with your ability to grab things, but suddenly you don’t even seem to have the same strength as before.

You stop using your affected arm when grocery shopping because the reaching, grabbing, and twisting of your arm required to load that shopping cart isn’t worth the pain. But now you worry that your other arm will be overused.

You have probably heard of “tennis elbow.”

Well, it’s very common… and doesn’t just happen to tennis players.

Conditions like lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow), bursitis, cubital tunnel syndrome, arthritis, etc., affect people of all ages each year.

The elbow joint comprises three bones, a complex set of ligaments on the inside and outside of the elbow that support it, seven major muscles that give it strength, three primary nerves that provide the muscles function and sensation, and a multitude of vessels.

The elbow and forearm work together to allow you to straighten your arm to reach your favorite cup out of the cabinet, bend your arm to wash the back of your head, and rotate it so you can steer a car.

Repetitive motion, overuse, or traumatic injuries can all cause elbow injuries or pain.

I know how debilitating elbow and forearm pain can be.

I learned it first-hand when I fell off my bike, resulting in a fracture and destabilizing ligament injury.

My elbow quickly became so stiff and painful that it was hard to sleep well, put on a shirt, or even brush my teeth!

Looking back, I realize I didn’t enjoy going out with friends or anywhere because I felt like a disheveled mess. This eventually made me feel isolated and lonely.

Traditionally, you would go to a rehabilitation clinic.

But I’ve treated many patients in these clinics, and they have their shortcomings.

I know how demotivating it can be to come in and be pushed to the point of pain – to do uncomfortable exercises in a large room while your therapist attends to other patients.

And that’s after you take on the stress of leaving work early, fighting traffic to get there, and sitting in a waiting room.

I want to offer a simpler solution.

Here’s the truth: What you do at a therapy clinic for 2-3 hours a week is ineffective if you don’t learn how to carry it over into your daily life.

What you do at home on your own time is the most important.

With a virtual visit, you can skip the driving time. You can be seen and heard during our one-on-one video sessions.

Have you had an injury to your elbow or forearm?

Are you doing anything to avoid injections or surgery?

Good news! Either way, I can help.

During our first appointment, I will evaluate your elbow and forearm. I will do a visual inspection, assessing your range of motion and identifying what’s behind your injury and pain.

I will develop a customized rehabilitation treatment plan for you and your injury.

Active exercises…

A healthy elbow relies on the balance of the muscles that bend and straighten the elbow and the muscles that rotate the arm. Your program will include exercises to help maintain flexibility in all directions the elbow moves.

Self-assisted motion…

When stiffness is present, the elbow needs some stretching. Props like the side of a table or a wall can be used to help stretch. Or you can use the force of your other hand… all guided by me.

Activity modifications…

Instead of telling you that you can’t do your favorite activities, I believe there are many ways to achieve a goal. Sometimes, it might take a few position changes or supports, such as splints, to help you. For instance, with pain outside the elbow, I have taught people how to continue their beloved workout routine safely without aggravating symptoms by using cable column machines instead of free weights and changing the angle that they grip the force. Each person’s story is unique, and so will be the solution. But I can work with you to determine exactly what you need to do to help yourself heal.

Tracking your progress…

Each week, I will ask you how you have been doing with your progress with your individualized treatment program. I will ask you what you like, don’t like, what is hard for you, etc. Together, we can work to change the things that aren’t working.

For example, if you tell me that you don’t like stretching exercises, then I can show you specific ways to find an alternative position or way to perform stretching that can work better for you. After all, this is all about you, and I want you to feel confident and as comfortable as possible.

Let me help you heal and prevent your pain…

I remember when I was finally able to reach my ear to put on an earring. It was the most exciting moment after my injury!

Rehabilitating from an elbow injury is never fun, but it CAN be simple and innovative. Virtual hand therapy gives you the flexibility of healing from your injury wherever you feel the most comfortable, without the painful stretching in the clinic.

Don’t wait months or even years to address your pain or stiffness. We’ve eliminated the traffic, the need for gas money, and the time spent in waiting rooms so that you can get help today.

Contact me today for a free 15-minute consultation: info@chrgtherapy.com.